Exciting Features!

Download Multiple or All Files by Searching for them in Salesforce in your own Unique Way!

  • Search & download files & attachments from any particular Standard or Custom object.
  • Search & download all files & attachments using “Search Record” Tab – If the user wants to download all Standard/Custom object records Files and Attachments directly click the Search Record tab and choose the object and click Search all Records button and it will display all record Files and attachments.

  • Search & download all files & attachments using “Search Record” Tab – If the user wants to download all Standard/Custom object records Files and Attachments directly click the Search Record tab and choose the object and click Search all Records button and it will display all record Files and attachments.

  • Search & download files & attachments using “Search File Within List View” Tab : User can search download Files and Attachments by searching & selecting ListViews by typing a keyword or the name of the ListView.
  • Search & download files & attachments using “Search using SOQL Query“Tab : If the user wants to query bulk standard/custom particular records, if that have more than 10000 records, (Ex:- Particular named Accounts), in that scenario we recommend to switch to Search Using SOQL Query tab and filter records with the condition.

Example SOQL Query:-

RecordType.Name = ‘Current Account AND Status != ’Red’.

Createddate = TODAY and Company LIKE ‘%SastormSoftware%’.

Name = ‘Globalone Tech Company’ AND Website != null.

Type = ‘Prospect’ Limit 100.

SELECT Id FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE ContentDocument.Title LIKE ‘%Globalone%’

Filter your Search for Files & Download them at once

  • Filter your Search for Files by Name, Date OR Even a letter & Download them at once!

  • Get your unique Filters created for Free, reach us and we will get it done!

Configure the "File Download" Component within any Standard or Custom Object

  • In just 2 mins, configure the “File Download” Component within any Standard or Custom Object forever!
  • Configure once & you are all set to download files from that object everyday!
  • If the user wants to implement downloading files and attachments on the records detail Page. Users need to configure downloadFile LWC Component as well VF Page with Name FileDownloader for downloading Files and Attachments.

CSV Mapping File - summary & mapping of your downloaded files

  • With each downloaded zip of files, a CSV Mapping file is downloaded & emailed to the logged in User with a summary & mapping of your downloaded files.

  • You can use this information to map files to the correct records & keep track of your downloaded files.

File Names retention when downloaded

  • Files Name in languages other than English are retained & remain the same once the file is downloaded.
  • Also, File Name remains the same and additionally the related record ID also gets added in the file name. For Example : gute Miene zum bösen Spiel machen – 0695i000009XK8eAAG.

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